Published Articles

Mom, Child, Soccer  Ball

Unconditional Love for the Win!

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  October 2019

Be a great sports parent

After months of staying late at the office to put together a stellar proposal, the big day arrives to pitch the deal. But it doesn’t go as planned: you mess up and it costs you the new account. Disheartened, you come home to your spouse, expecting welcoming arms and unconditional love. Instead, you get:

You should have tried harder.”

“Wow. All that hard work and you blew it.”

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Social Anxiety

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  August 2019

Don’t Let it Rule your life

Do you feel uneasy in a crowd? Have trouble talking to others in social situations? Has it gotten to the point where you’d rather just stay at home than face the world?

If you’ve spent your life being described as shy, you could actually have a condition called social anxiety disorder, also known as SAD or social phobia. It’s defined as having an unreasonable fear of being embarrassed in a social situation to the extent that you feel extreme distress or avoid such interaction altogether.

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embracing the Empty Nest

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  August 2019

Reinventing Yourself When Your Children Have Flown the coop

Like your favorite song on the radio that ends too quickly, suddenly 18 years have gone by and your child is leaving home. As they depart on their adventure with excitement, you are left with a quiet house and a mixture of emotions. Simultaneously, you may be feeling proud, excited, nervous, sad, protective and worried. You might also wonder what to do with your time now that it no longer revolves around children’s needs and you are facing an empty nest.

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Toxic People: Do you Know an Energy Vampire?

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  April 2019

How to lessen the Effects of toxic people in your Life

Interacting with a toxic person is like being bitten by an energy vampire — when you walk away, all the liveliness has been sucked out of you. Toxic people only know how to take. In addition to your energy, they might also extract your time, money, empathy and attention without a thought to ever replenishing your coffers.

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Staying in Sync

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  March 2019

How to Stay Connected When You Work From Afar

Working remotely is great for work/life balance, but communicating and creating camaraderie with co-workers can be challenging. When you are physically absent from the office, you miss out on those little day-to-day interactions with others, and you lose the context of body language to guide your reactions. For example, if you worked in the office with Sherry, you would see that she likes to have her coffee and 30 minutes to catch up on email before she talks to you. Mike, on the other, comes bounding over to your desk to brainstorm about yesterday’s problem before you’ve even said hello.

So what can you do to keep the lines of communication open?

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10 Tips to Stop the Resolution Fizzle-Out

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  January 2019

So many New Year’s resolutions are celebrated and then disappear like a lost sock in the laundry. When your normal routine leaves you tired, busy and distracted, how do you get back on track to keep that resolution alive? 

Prepare For Discomfort

At first you will feel energized with your new routine, but there will eventually be a tipping point when it gets really difficult before it becomes an automatic habit.

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GIve Yourself the Gift of Self-care

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  December 2018

10 quick and simple ways to take care of YOU during the holidays

When your holiday to-do list is longer than a spool of ribbon, it’s time to implement some daily self-care routines. Getting through the holiday season can be like running a marathon, so why not implement some simple habits to get you to the finish line without collapsing?

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LOL for your Health

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  August 2018

Laughing not only improves your mood, it also has many short-term mental, social and physical health benefits. Because the perks of chuckling are short-lived, you’ll need to do it frequently to maximize the positive effects. Laugh often, feel happier and take advantage of this inexpensive way to boost your health with no worry of side effects.

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A Prescription for Art: Creating is Medicine for Your Mind

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  May 2018

"You might think that you can't draw or don't have an artistic bone in your body. But while your artwork might never hang in a gallery, creating art may be more beneficial to your mental health than you know.

Creating art can help people manage their depression or addictions, reduce anxiety and stress, increase self-esteem and explore emotions that are difficult to express verbally. 

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How Much Wine is Too Much?

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  March 2018

Exhausted from a long day, you indulge in the perfect liquid — wine. It’s delicious, may be good for your heart and melts away your stress. That glass of wine eases an evening filled with endless tasks, perhaps monitoring your children’s homework and bedtime routines. Maybe it feels like everyone wins: you treat yourself to a soothing drink and your household gets a more patient you.

But what if that one glass turns into two and then three, and before you know it, the bottle is almost gone? When do you say enough?

“Having a glass of wine with dinner every night is fine, but it can become problematic when you routinely have two or three glasses,” cautions Danielle Cauley, a licensed professional a licensed professional and certified substance-abuse counselor in Williamsburg, Va.

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Find the Key to Your Partner's Heart

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  February 2018

Which expression of caring from your partner would make you feel most loved?

  1. A big hug.

  2. A gift of your favorite candy.

  3. A compliment about your wit.

  4. Washing your car for you.

  5. A picnic in the park together.

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Meet Your Future Self: You Might Like Her  

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  January 2018

Why is it that by mid-February our New Year’s resolutions are faded memories? It’s easy to be optimistic in your declarations with a glass of champagne in hand. Your future self is always disciplined and will never lack determination. However, when that alarm clock goes off and it’s time to hit the gym, your present self has a much harder time being dutiful.

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Keep Your Sanity by Practicing Self-compassion During the Holidays  

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA  December 2017

Taking in the enormity of your holiday obligations, you wonder how you got into this predicament. Seven parties, three school concerts, a non-profit gala, cookies for the office, gifts, entertaining and visiting family. How are you going to make it to the other side of New Year’s without gaining eight pounds, incurring debt and becoming resentful? 

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10 Tips for Surviving Family Holidays

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  November 2017

Vegans versus carnivores,
early risers waking night owls,
smokers teasing runners…

For any routine or belief you follow, there’s bound to be a disapproving family member. Holidays with family should be fun, but a clash of conflicting opinions can result in more stress than enjoyment. How do you stay firm to what you want out of your holiday while maintaining the peace? Here are tips for a smoother holiday gathering for guests and hosts alike…

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Balancing Stones

Identify Your Work/Life Balance

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  October 2017


If you feel this kind of exasperation, your life is out of balance. The definition of a balanced life is different for all of us, but the basics are the same. Work/life balance is having an overall feeling of being in control and knowing that we have a manageable workload, which allows for meaningful relationships as well as self-care.

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Play Isn't Just for Kids

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  August 2017

What if I told you there was an elixir that could relieve your stress, improve your relationships, stimulate your creativity, give you a flood of endorphins and boost your brain function?  Are you wondering how there can be one remedy with such a plethora of positive benefits? This well-kept secret is something we have all spent thousands of hours doing: the simple act of playing.

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Boost Your Energy by Zapping 10 Irritations

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  August 2017

How blissful would it be if you could eliminate ninety percent of your daily irritations? Imagine opening your front door without that annoying squeak, always being able to find your car keys and having matching lids for all of your food storage containers. Do you already feel more energetic as you envision a day free of irritations?

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Say Yes to What Matters by Learning to Say No

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  July 2017

All day long we are asked to do things we don’t want to do, to give our time to causes we don’t really care about, and to expend our precious energy on projects that aren’t on our to-do list. How do you say no without hurting people’s feelings? How do you keep your time and energy for yourself, only giving it away for the important stuff? When you reluctantly end up saying yes to someone else, the result is that you are saying no to yourself.

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Streamline Your Meal Planning Forever

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  May 2017

When you don’t have your main meal planned in advance, convenience food is the fallback. “Realistically, there is little nutritional value to be found at the drive-thru,” says Caroline Fornshell, a registered dietician-nutritionist in Hampton Roads, Virginia. What if there were a way to map out all of your dinners so you would never again have to agonize over what to make or race to the store at the last minute?

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When and Why You Might Need a Life Coach

The Health Journal - Williamsburg, VA,  January 2017

We could all use guidance when life sometimes becomes overwhelming. While some people seek support from family and friends, others may find it beneficial to hire a life coach to help get their lives back on track. A life coach is someone who counsels and encourages clients on career or personal life challenges.

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